Useful info

COVID: There are currently no restrictions on numbers attending sessions at the Community Centre, so there is no need to book in advance. Cleaning protocols have been reduced, track and trace is no longer required, and I will no longer be taking weekly lateral flow test. However if I perceive a higher level of risk such as a trip away/close contact/feeling unwell I will test ahead of sessions. Please do not attend if you or anyone in your household has had COVID-19 symptoms in the last 7 days and consider using the hand sanitizer provided when entering the building. 

Other info: The hall gets cold in winter so please dress cosy and bring a blanket for relaxation. In the summer we may head outside to the lovely rear courtyard if the weather is fine. 

There are some Wednesdays where I need to travel for my day job. I will always let you know if a session is cancelled, and have a Whatsapp group to keep in touch with regulars.  

If you are missing a Wednesday but still want to move, a selection of online sessions ranging from a few minutes to an hour can be viewed here for practice at a time that suits you. 

No pain - more gain: I guide informal and feelgood flowing movement, suitable for all body types and levels of experience with plenty of options to find softness and ease. Though fully insured to guide these sessions, I cannot be held responsible for any injury and give no prizes for pushing or force. A reminder to always listen to your body and do what feels good for you.

Face to face classes are £7 drop-in, or £25 for four consecutive weeks. 

A reminder that if this is not possible for you at this time your practice is far more important to me than your pennies and to please contact me to discuss.